Wednesday, 1 October 2014


Front cover -
model being used, models position and costume, why is it like that?
font used - font size, font colour, main feature stories, what are they there for?
which conventions have been used in what ways? what's missing?
Contents page -
multiple images, page numbers,  feature story - no further back than page 15 - how many pages?, previous editions and social media, subscriptions, subheadings, letter from the editor, regular stories, stories relevant to your genre.
Double page spread -
title of the story - usually a pull quote, controversial -  stand first, summarise                        
the main feature story, drop cap, main article always in columns, pull quotes, page number and masthead, credit to photographer,
  • Semiotics - what colours are being used and why?
  • Who is the target audience? How can we tell?
  • What costume is the artist wearing and why?
  • What stories are included? Why will they appeal to the audience?
Remember you want your product to be as conventional as possible to therefore looking in detail at existing products is vital. 

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